Kamis, 21 Juli 2011


Hello guys!! How are you? i hope you doing fine always whenever you are :D
Anyway, today i want to share MV Teaser from korean girlband "2NE1" the coolest girlband ever!!! i love their music, their style, and all-of-them.LOL i like Boom/Bom--i can't write her name very well, yeah...--and her style very coooooool *_________* and her hair? OMG!!!! TOTALLY COOL and really matching with her face. *heart's bump* .ROFL.

I hope you can like it, guys!!! Sorry for my bad english..

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011


Hai everyone!! how are you? i hope you doin fine, always!! anyway, today my class was picked class-name but unfortunatelly i was forgot what my class name .__."--yeah, to be honest i've problem with my mind and my stoopid brain--but my class name is cool and well cute :3 #EHH Social 4 must created a twitter account as soon as possible!!!! (YYYYYY)

Wait... Wait... Why we talking about my class name again for a thousand? why am i always talking too much about my class? maybe i adore with my class (?).LOL. XI SOCIAL FOUR ROCK ON \m/--anyway, i really want ticket for watching Java Rockin' Land sooooo badly.geeezzzz--Hei... why don't you ask me 'why your title post is me? are you crazy or idiot?'/rolling -_____________-. Okay, lemme tell you about this title. Cekidot:

The reason why i use ME on title is i want to introduce my beautiful self and telling you about myself 8D--i ain't narcissist, okaaaaaay???!!*sigh*--reason why i want to introduction myself because i want all of you knowing about myself as well and never missunderstand with my slap-stick or dirty jokes #EHH Nah! Nah! Nah! what i mean not like that..... but... but... well, i don't know why i want to introduce myself .____./PLAK but the show must go on, ryt? *applause*

My name is Galih Aichi--sorry i don't want to tell you my full name. okay ;)--i am 15 years old, 2 months again i'll 16 years old--yippppiieeeeeeee!!! *fireworks sparks*--well, my hobbys are listening music, surfing on internet, reading, writing a fiction and day-dreaming.__." i like K-Pop--i love Super Junior, SHINEe, 2NE1, B2ST(BEAST), 2PM, Big-Bang, Miss A, Boyfriend, C.N Blue, TVXQ!--and i like J-Pop too. I really love with reading so bad--i like Harry Potter Series, The Immortals series, Hush Hush series, The Mediator series, Percy Jackson series, Season series from Ilana Tan and i really like Manga(Japannese Comic) so badlyyyyyy-- and i adore with their author *much love*. When i was surfing on internet i like watching streaming, downloading, blogging, tweeting, chatting, reading Fanfict rated M then save it and etc. reason why i like day-dreaming because it was exiting for me anyway ._.

I hope someday i've cat, I am a cat lovers but my mom always reject me to have a cat *sigh* she sais that cat is not good for our health and bla.bla.bla.bla....

I don't have boyfriend or ex-boyfriend so far hehehe.__. but i've someone who was rejected my declaration of love *blushing* his name is P*****K and he was my friend at Junior High School and my besties know him so well. And i've someone who hanging me on for 4 years, his name is V***I. Now, he's in Japan so far from me *YES!* i was ever showing how much i love him but he was never say " yes i love you" or "sorry, i don't love you".... poor me.... *crying* and until now i can't forget about him a little.... buuuuuuuuuuuuut even if like that but my story of love must go on right? Y U RIGHT! \m/. And now i just falling in love with someone in XI Social 1. Sekian--End.

This month i love this word >> "DREAM HIGH" \m/

I prefer Android phone and iPhone rather than Blackberry. kriik

I'm not good and remember something, i know i've heaters--lalalala--i'm not good listener, i'm good at Literary, i can't manage my own money, i like reading FanFiction Rated M--errrrrr--i ain't good at writing FanFiction, i love SUSHI!!!, i've bad attituted when talking with someone--geeezzzz--and i've problem with my MOOD, i'm randomly person in the world--my friend say like that--and " why Y U so bad-mood?" my chairmate say like that, too. kriik kriik

My bias in 2PM is Taecyeon because he's a good person, have a WOW abs and his biceps totally looks so interesting for me cool. when i look at his biceps or abs i feel like flying. To be honest, i don't know why myself telling you like this but i want all of you knowing i was adore with Taec but i don't want Taec read it .__. and i don't want peoples think that.............NO! Forget it!! #EHH #LABIL #PERSETANSAMAOMONGANORANG

Okay see you next time and sorry for my bad english.

Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Kerja Sampingan

Hai semuanya! Apa kabar? baik kan? saya harap sih baik-baik saja dan kalau ada yang bergulat dengan PR-PRnya selamat mengerjakan ya dan kalau ada yang lagi galau selamat menggalau deh ya dan kalau ada yang gak bisa tidur "cupu amat jam segini tidur._.V" dan kalau ada yang twitternya limit--twitter jaman skrg gada limitnya--mending kalian blogging aja #promosi dan kalau kalian lagi bete dan bingung mau ngapain mending baca blog SAYA. LOL.

Anyway, saya ingin cerita nih tentang sesuatu yang berhubungan tentang judul di atas. Tau gak kerja sampingan saya sebagai pelajar apa?--oh bukan, saya bukan pemulung. bukan mbak-mbak jaga warung juga. bukan pembantu juga *apaan sih lu gal-_-*--jadi, kerja sampingan saya itu ngebantuin papah saya ngerjain pekerjaannya *JENG JENG JENG* hebat kan saya? ngerjain pekerjaan papah saya? Iya dong saya hebat *BLETAK* dan pekerjaannya itu pembukuan gitu deh. Saya cuma di suruh masuk-masukin data yang udah di print-out kedalam dokumen Ms. Excel, pekerjaan ini bener-bener butuh ketelitian guys karena kalau sampe salah bisa-bisa mengacaukan data keuangannya *Eaeaea begaya lu gal-_-*. Tapi sejujurnya saya juga gak ngerti loh pembukuan itu apaan .__. padahal sih sudah di jelasin sama papah dan ibu saya sampe beberapa kali tapi tetep aja gak ngerti-ngerti mungkin emang mereka yang gak bisa jelasin kali ya #AnakLaknat #GalihAnakJahat #GalihEgois(?) *lah emang guanya aja kali yak yang gak niat dengerin-_-* nah jadi dengan ketidaktahuan saya tentang pembukuan itu saya disuruh membuat pembukuan--anti klimaks--tapi bener ya saya gak ngerti arti pembukan itu sendiri cuma saya bisa ngerjainnya *Eaeaeaea*

Terus ya, kata papah saya sih pembukuan itu sama aja kayak akutansi dan berhubung saya anak Ips (yang masuk Ips pake tes-_-) dan ada pelajaran akutansinya jadi papah saya dengan semangat juang '45 mengajarkan saya tentang akutansi dan antek-anteknya. bisa kan di bayangin seberapa excitednya papah saya ituhhhhh??? mungkin kalian akan bosan, jangkan kalian yg denger cerita saya, saya aja udah bosen hampir ingin lompat lantai 3 #Eh #PakMuktiBanget.LOL.

Keuntungan saya dari ngebantuin itu lumayan lhooo~ saya untung 100K dan kalo pekerjaannya bener semua saya dapet 160K. hebat kan? iya dong hebat--yaiyalah hebat, orang lu lagi butuh duit kok gal gal--Nah kebetulan juga saya emang lagi ngebet banget buat beli 5Jibnya SUPER JUNIOR yang akan rilis agustus ini--katanya sih gitu--dan berhubung saya ingin yang Versi C jadi saya butuh suntikan dana benar-benar. bayangin paket C, paket yang gak di hitung untuk Daesang harganya mahal tapi dapet bonus boneka--baca bener-bener--BONUS BONEKA!! Saya kan pengen banget bonekanya!!!! jadi bisa pamer di depan adik saya =w=--kakak gak bener--dan Senpai Cyn nyaranin buat beli yang Ver A karena harganya murah dan dengan konyolnya saya setuju..................... -_- And bay-the-way kenapa kita jadi ngomongin album ke 5 super junior heh? kan tadi lagi ngomongin kerja sampingan saya AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Random banget sumpah! sumpah! ini gara-gara PR!!!!!!!!!!! *ngais tanah*

Udah ya sampai sini dulu. Next Time.


Hello guys! how are you? i hope you doin' fine :) well, my today was unpredictable and so far so good and my classmates are rock on \m/ like java rockin' land (?). LOL. anyway, i'm day-dreaming about my class name... what my class name? but to be honest i've my name for my class which is made by my self but i think my hand(?)-made name really awkward and absurd -____- *GAH*

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddd bay the way, why we talking about my class name? does we should talking about those title "HIM"? okay...okay... i want to talk about Him and maybe you'd already assumption who is he but Y U WRONG! because he is not P*****K. LMAO. He is someone who had appeared in my dream--sounds look aling Super Junior's song--and i never--read it carefully-NEVER EVER thinking about him or talking with him or talking about him or knowing him  as well as i know P*****K #UPS #EHH
So far, i know about him from my besties at junior high. he's my besties friend when they was elementary and do ya know what? he's a christian... well, i don't care about it but WHY? Why i fallin' in love--i hate to say it, trust me it works(?)--for someone whose christian again? OH GOD!! *cry me river._. #eh*. back to the topic: I was texted with my besties at afternoon and my besties bbm him:
My besties: hei are you sos 1,2,3,or 4?
*piiip* : 1
My besties : anyway, are you single?
*piiip* : Yes, Why?
My besties: well, my besties ask it to me
*piiip* : who?
My besties : 99 SHS's student
* piiip* : your ex-JHS school-friend?
My besties : Yes ._.
-AND THE CHAT HAS BEEN END--antiklimaks--
See? my besties infrom about me -_-" and it's okay... i don't care and it's good HEY! IT'S GOOOOOOD!!! i hope i can't chit-chat with him LOL 8D. and my bestie can't help me for it because they haven't face-to-face -_-" oh.. thank you darl~
Anyway, are you curious about my dream? lemme tell you: So, in my dream i was at my school and chit-chat with him...only myself and himself...do you know what, we are looks alike a couple... and i invite him to J.Co because i really want J.Cool so bad *cries* then he said "No, sorry."
With my selfish-self i said "I'll pay my J.Cool with my own money."
He was thinking about a minutes then he said. " Okay. I'll pick-up you tomorrow. calling me, right?"
My big smile appear. " YES!"
Well, after that my dad picked-up me and when he saw him, my dad said. " Who is he?"
" My friend. just my friend. i was chit-chat with him and my other friends." i told you a lie, dad, sorry. then my father asked me to buy ice-cream. ANTI-KLIMAKS, LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!.

WELL, thank you for reading it and sorry for my bad english :)

Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Galau itu...

Hai semuanya! hari ini saya ingin posting dengan bahasa indonesia ehehe ._. oh, bagaimana kabar kalian semua? semoga sehat-sehat saja ya. hari ini saja ingin membahas tentang galau yang lagi menjangkit hati para remaja-remaja.LOL
Menurut saya galau itu keadaan saat kita lagi hampa-hampanya dan bingung mau ngapain/nentuin pilihan/lagi sedih--temen saya sih yang bilang begitu--well, saya sendiri pun gak begitu mengerti apa arti atau makna dari galau sendiri walaupun saya SERING BANGET galau di mana saya berada tanpa mengenal waktu, bahkan pas lagi ulangan matematika pun saya sempat-sempatnya galau! /dilindes. LOL





“if i love you,” by e.e. cummings

(via elesheva)
Tapi galau itu gak melulu nangis dan tentang cowok ya, karena galau itu kadang mengungkapkan sesuatu yang gak bisa diungkapkan dengan hati.. dan banyak banget orang yang menganggap kalau galau itu dikit-dikit nangis, dikit-dikit karena patah hati, dikit-dikit masalah cowok, dan dikit-dikit karena well PHP--Pemberi Harapan Palsu--dari semua itu saya paling sering galau karena PHP tapi gak selalu nangis, alias gak pernah kecuali pas P*****K nolak saya ketika tanggal 28 januari, nah itu baru saya galau dan nangis sejadi-jadinya bahkan temen sebangku saya Gabby ngerasa kesal dengan itu wahahah .__.
Kadang galau pun bisa mengganggu banyak orang loh, guys. contoh saat lo galau di twitter pas jam-jam ramai banget timeline lo dan seluruh tweetan lo galau semua. kayak gini: "astaga besok gimana nih ketemu dia? galau banget. malu udah di tolak" dan sebagainya apalagi kalau galau lo itu udah rada nyindir orang lain ya siap-siap aja bakalan diamuk =="
At least, kebanyakan galau itu gak baik karena menimbulkan komplikasi pada diri sendiri. contoh: lo jadi linglung, gak bisa move on (GUE BANGET!!!), bawaannya melankolis mulu dan temen-temen lo bete (contohnya temen sebangku gue itu-_- dia sampe bla.bla.bla).
Oke, sampai sini dulu ya cerita saya tentang galau. emang sih gak penting tapi ya setidaknya saya bisa menghapus presepsi galau itu identik dengan nangis. sebagai galauers saya gak terima--oke bubar!--BYE BYE! ZAI ZHIAN!!


Hay!! how are you, guys? i hope y'all fine whenever you are ;)
Do you know that this year i'm XI grade at senior high in Cibubur-Jakarta? well, i was accepted in XI Social 4 and to be honest my half-classmates are popular student at my school.. so you can think how hard the atmospher at my class, huh? but even like that, i don't want to bad-think to their because i knew them only one week so when time goes by i can know who they are very well.. i think they are funny, cool and great classmate for this year :)... i hope...
Well, there are 6 students from my X grade class. they are Me, Laily, NikitaThomas, Dhika and Gagah. my chairmate last week is Laliy, my chairmate this day is Nikita and my chairmate at tomorrow is Laily, maybe... My absent number is 18, sliding down one number. LOL
Oh yeah, my class is winning solo vocal competition and Soraya is delegation from my class, she's my vice-chairman--or vice-charwomen? i dont know hehe--of the class...
Our class have 39 students because one of them moving to 104 High School...
What? My class name? i don't know because we haven't creat it.. maybe last time?

Sorry for my bad english guys!

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

My First Editing


Hay, do you know what is that? that is my first editing photograph. i created it at september 5th last year, what do you think? weird? yeah for me it's weird and irrasional picture. LOL.
the man beside me in photo is Seth Clearwater (i forget his real name) at Twillight Saga: Eclips and to be honest when i made it i was adore with him because his abs and biceps at Eclips. ROFL.

For million times: Sorry for my bad english. :)


I love Hee, don't i? but why i don't know about him as well? well, this tears are bluring my vision so i can't see you. i has been standing here only to see you but your foot steps leaving me.
i thought i won't be sad, be down, be mad when you left me but i was WRONG!! i am sad, down, and mad.. maybe not mad at all just feel everything gonna be bad.
now days, i learn to let you go, lern how to my life goes by without you and learn how to move on to someone better than you. althought like that my deepest heart still well... i hate to say it but i still loving him and praying him in every my shalat and hopes you go back.... not to mee but hopes you go back to understand how hard i need him...

My Tumblr Capture #1

i just capture it from my Tumblr even this post is really old but touching my heart for a thousand times when i read it again :')
my friend said that my english at my Tumblr wrong but i don't care because i am learn english too so, if i wrong it's fine, ok?